Everyday we make steps in our sustainability journey as a conscious fashion brand. Savanna Collection prioritizes sustainability, social responsibility, and transparency in its operations, aiming to create a positive impact on the environment and society.

The Anti Fast Fashion Model

Savanna Collection has adopted several strategies to become more sustainable.

  1. Embrace sustainable materials: We prioritize the use of sustainable and eco-friendly materials such as organic cotton, hemp, linen, recycled polyester, and other recycled or upcycled fabrics. These materials have a lower environmental impact and reduce the reliance on non-renewable resources.
  2. Demand to Order Business Model. We create products based on demand. By Producing smaller quantities of clothing, it allows us to align our production with actual consumer demand. By closely monitoring and responding to customer preferences, we can avoid overproduction and reduce the risk of excess inventory that may eventually become waste.
  3. Implement ethical and fair labor practices: We ensure that workers throughout our supply chain are treated fairly and provided with safe working conditions. This includes paying fair wages, adhering to proper working hours, and eliminating child labor. Savanna Collection items are currently manufactured in Botswana and South Africa.
  4. Embrace slow fashion and timeless designs: Slow fashion emphasizes quality over quantity and encourages consumers to invest in timeless, durable pieces that can be worn for longer periods. By shifting away from fast-paced trends and promoting classic designs, we can reduce the pressure for constant consumption and reduce waste.

By integrating these strategies, Savanna Collection hopes to make significant progress towards more sustainable and responsible in their practices, contributing to more ethical and environmentally friendly fashion industry.

Elevate Your Style, Minimize Your Impact